LIFE UPDATE: Finally a lawyer!


Hello book blogging world!

First, let me apologize for being inactive for a very looooong time. It’s been over a year since my last post here. A lot of things happened between then and now. But in summary of everything that happened that became the reason of my being inactive here, I entered law school, prepared for the Bar exams, took the Bar exams, passed the Bar exams, and I am now a lawyer.

So where should we begin again? After graduating from law school, I thought I had all things planned out already and I will be able to start being active in the book blogging community again, but obviously, it did not happen. Life happened and though I was able to read (ehemm, check my Goodreads account), I cannot find the time to write a book review.

Things became more challenging when I started my Bar review. I had no time to read for leisure because I had to focus all my energy and effort in reading my reviewers. That’s while at the same time working and balancing my personal life. That’s months of stress and anxiety. I am not sure how I was able to do it but I somehow did.

Waiting for the results of the Bar exams is another story. I, again, thought I was able to read but I found myself thinking about the results way more than I expected. After the last day of the Bar exams, I said to myself, I will read more and make up for all the times that I was not able to read for leisure and finally be able to update to update this vlog. But boy, I was wrong. Though as a consolation for that promise, I did get a lot of reading but failed miserably in going back to book blogging. I did complete my Goodreads goal of reading 10 books (finished 35 BOOKS!) but I somehow found myself lacking the energy and the right mind to do book reviews.

Then came the results. I PASSED the Bar exams and I am now a full-fledged lawyer.

So what now? What will happen to Bongbongbooks? Will I focus now on being a lawyer and abandon book blogging altogether? Of course, not. I consider reading as an integral part of who I am now and I also consider it as instrumental on how I survived law school and eventually pass the Bar exams. My love for reading really helped me with how I understand and answer questions. I became more confident with expressing myself and be mindful with the words that I use. It was definitely not an easy journey but my being a reader helped my journey become easier.

Now that I can now properly breath because I already passed the Bar exams, I am “hoping” that I can now give more time to reading and writing book reviews. The fact that I was able to put this vlog update out is already a good sign, right?

I am not sure if I will post a book haul or a book review of one of my recent reads after this. A book haul would probably a better choice to start things off but it will definitely take a longer time to get into considering the amount of books I hauled for the past year because I did haul a lot. Hauling books became my way of de-stressing really. But I will just probably haul the more recent ones.

I am happy to be back to book blogging and I hope this momentum continues. See you on my next vlog post!

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